

There are still some issues

## Unsafe Requiring of Common Libraries 
Since you're using a common library, it's important that you enqueue it safely. 
require_once 'lib/Mbstring.php';

Since that is a common library, you need to detect IF the code is already included and not re-include it, as doing so will cause conflicts if two people call the same defines and functions. 
Please read these: 
http://php.net/manual/en/function.class-exists.php## Generic function (and/or define) names 
All plugins must have unique function names, namespaces, defines, and classnames. This prevents your plugin from conflicting with other plugins or themes. We need you to update your plugin to use more unique and distinct names.

A good way to do this is with a prefix. For example, if your plugin is called "Easy Custom Post Types" then you could use names like these:
function ecpt_save_post()
define( ‘ECPT_LICENSE’, true );
class ECPT_Admin{}
namespace EasyCustomPostTypes;
Don't try to use two letter slugs anymore. We have over 60 THOUSAND plugins on WordPress.org alone, you’re going to run into conflicts. 
Similarly, don't use __ (double underscores), wp_ , or _ (single underscore) as a prefix. Those are reserved for WordPress itself. You can use them inside your classes, but not as stand-alone function.

Remember: Good names are unique and distinct. This will help you and the next person in debugging, as well as prevent conflicts.
Some examples from your plugin:

const DOMAIN = 'dbmaker';




const DOMAIN = ‘dbmaker’;



メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です

アップロードファイルの最大サイズ: 8 MB。 添付可能なファイル:画像, 音声, 動画, 文書, スプレッドシート, 対話型, アーカイブ, その他 Youtube、Facebook、Twitter および他サービスへのリンクは自動的にコメント内に埋め込まれます。 ここにファイルをドロップ

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